
Dear Readers,

We are happy to be back with the twenty-ninth issue (June 2024) of the Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies. In her article titled "Bibliometric Analysis of Articles on Central Asia," Sedef Zeyrekli Yaş discusses the relationships between studies on Central Asia written in the disciplines of political science and international relations that is indexed in Web of Science based on author, country, keyword, and abstract categories. In their articles, Christoph Giesel and Hermann Giesel illuminate the Chechen perception of jihad in the light of political, historical, religious, and contemporary developments and analyze religious and cultural propaganda videos produced for Chechen Islamic State fighters. Elif Erkan and Deniz Eroglu Utku, in their article titled "The Perception of Insecurity Among Migrant Women: The Case of Edirne," discuss how migrant women's access to health services that affects their perception of security within the framework of the migration cultures and conflict model developed by Cohen and Sirkeci through the case study of Edirne. In his article, Ahmet Özdemir analyzes the US policy in Central Asia by focusing on politics, security, economics, and energy. Finally, Kevser Ergin's article titled "The European Union's Central Asia Policy" examines the EU's Central Asia policy from a holistic point of view in the light of current data.

After these explanations, we will be happy if we have encouraged you to read the articles on this issue.


Prof. Dr. Fahri Türk

Editorial - Archive

January 2024 Vol:15 No:1

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the twenty-eight issue (January 2024) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. Fahri Türk and Büşra Yengeç Ersin introduced a new concept characterized “usurer states” to the discipline of international relations in their article entitled “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Yeni Bir Kavramsallaştırma Tefeci Devletler: Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Örnek Olayı”. Selim Kanat and Serkut Kılınç on the other hand, illuminates the source of border Issues in Fargana Valley and the border demarcation problem in their joint article. In his article titled “Öteki”nden Korkmak: Avrupa Entegrasyonuna Bir Meydan Okuma Olarak Din”, Taner Zorbay analyse the issue of the religion as a challenge to European integration. İlkay Türkeş and Güngör Şahin, on the other side, make threat analysis of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Baltic regions within the context of regional security complex in their joint article. Finally, Ahmet Özdemir, in his article titled “Enerji Bağlamında Türkiye’nin Türkmenistan Politikası (1991-2023)”, discuss Turkey’s Turkmenistan policy from the point of view of energy issue in the light of current data.

After these explanations, we would consider ourselves happy if we could encourage you to read the articles in this issue.


Prof. Dr. Fahri Türk

June 2023 Vol:14 No:2

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the twenty-seventh issue (June 2023) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. Fahri Türk and Büşra Yengeç Ersin introduced a new concept called “usurer states” to the discipline of international relations in their article entitled “A New Conceptualization of Usurious States in International Relations: The Case of the People's Republic of China.” Burak Gümüş, on the other hand, illuminates Turkey's South Sudan policy within the context of soft power in his article. In their article titled “Western Hemispheric Security and the US: Japanese Peruvian Wartime Incarceration During World War II”, Matti Izora Ibrahim and Segâh Tekin analyse the issue of the US incarceration of Japanese Peruvians during the Second World War to ensure the security of the Western Hemisphere. Oral Karakaya, on the other side, examines the theoretical approaches to the management of metropolises in his article. Finally, Dogacan Başaran and Emrah Kaya, in their article titled “Iran's Central Asian Policy: An Evaluation of Political, Military, Economic and Cultural Relations”, discuss Iran's Central Asian policy from a holistic point of view in the light of current data.

After these explanations, we would consider ourselves happy if we could encourage you to read the articles in this issue.


Prof. Dr. Fahri Türk

January 2023 Vol:14 No:1

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the twenty sixth issue (January 2023) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. Fahri Türk, Taner Karakuzu, Ahmet Özdemir and İlker Limon analyze in their joint-article on “Yumuşak Güç Bağlamında Orta Asya’da Türk Dizileri ve TRT Kurumunun Rolü” the impacts of the Turkish TV-series on Central Asian states within the context of popular culture. Murat Bayar ve Ertan Efegil, on the other hand, focus on the analysing the European Union’s Central Asia strategies in their joint-article. Mehmet Bardakçı concentrates in his article entitled “Donald Trump Döneminde Avrupa Birliği-ABD İlişkileri: Transatlantik İlişkilerde Kırılma” on the EU-USA ties during the Era of Donald Trump regarding the rupture in Transatlantic relations through discourse analysis. Güngör Şahin and Betül Öztürk, on the other hand, examine the principle of self-determination from the neorealistic perspective focusing on the cases of South Sudan and Palestine in their joint-article. Lastly, Selcen Altınbaş Umut, in her article entitled “Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi 27’nci Yasama Döneminde Milletvekillerinin Parti Değiştirmeleri” investigates MPs’ Party Changes during the 27th Legislative Period of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Prof. Dr. Fahri Türk

June 2022 Vol:13 No:2

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the twenty fifth issue (June 2022) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. Burak Gümüş analyzes in his article on “İkinci Karabağ Savaşı’nın FAZ.NET Gazetesine Yansımaları” the news and interviews about the Second Karabakh War published in this newspaper regarding the concepts of "agenda-setting" and "priming". Özgür Körpe’s article, on the other hand, focuses on the lessons to be learned from the restructuring of the defense industries of Japan and Germany. Mustafa Yıldız concentrates in his article titled “Necmettin Erbakan’ın Orta Asya Politikası” on the Central Asia policy of this leader through discourse analysis. Erdem Eren examines all the relevant aspects of Turgut Özal's Turkestan policy in his contribution. Lastly, Esra Sezer, in her article named “Orta Asya’da Güvenlik Sorunlarına Genel Bakış” investigates border, water, ethnicity, energy, environmental issues, radical religious movements, and drug smuggling in Central Asia.

We would be very happy if this short introduction motivates you to read these articles in our latest issue.


Prof. Dr. Fahri Türk

January 2022 Vol:13 No:1

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the twenty fourth issue (January 2022) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. Fahri Türk and Taner Karakuzu analyse in their joint article on “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ve Afganistan Türklüğü” (The Republic of Turkey and Afghanistan’s Turkic People (1970-2000) the Turkish-Afghanistani relations using the archive materials from Süleyman Demirel Information and Document Center that are not well-researched in the literature. Kaan Gaytancıoğlu and İpek Elif Atayman in their joint article also shed light on how True Path Party manipulated Great Anatolian Party as a political propaganda means in the mid-term Parlamentary Elections on 28 September 1986 collecting data from newspaper archives as well as law texts. Due to the lack of the researchworks on this issue, this article makes an original contribution to the literature of Turkish political life and institutions. The article on “Ünlü Atatürk Biyografı Herbert Melzig Kimdir?” (Who is the renowned Ataturk Biographer Herbert Melzig?) by Ömer Faruk Demirel clarifies the unknown facets of the Melzig activities that is mistakenly adored in Turkey. The use of the Turkish and German archive materials by Demirel indicates the uniqueness of this research indeed. Erkan Dağlı focuses in his article on the efforts of Ernst Cohn Wiener for migrating to the Turkey in the early republican era within the framework of the Brain Drain to the Ataturk’s land assesing the letter addressed to Ataturk. Doğacan Başaran explores the Turkish-Iranian ties in a detailled article entitled “Rekabetten İşbirliğine Türkiye-İran İlişkileri: Tarih, Kimlik ve Jeopolitik Üzerinden Bir Okuma” (From Competition to Cooperation Turkish-Iranian Relations: An Analysis from angles of History, Identity and Geopolitics).

As we conduct an interview in our annual January issue, which we undertook also this time. Consequently we interviewed the head of Security and Strategy Studies from the National Defence University in Istanbul, Associated Prof. Dr. Güngör Şahin about the stance of the Africa in the global World politics in general and Turkish-Somalian Relations in particular.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Prof. Dr. Fahri Türk

June 2021 Vol:12 No:2

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the twenty third issue (June 2021) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. Güngör Şahin and Mercan Küçük analyse in their joint article on “Uranium Paradox in Nijer: New Colonialism and Conflict” the problem of France and Tuaregs in Niger within the context of the connection between natural resources, colonialism and conflict. Yeliz Yazan Koç’s article on “The “Elixir” Impact of the Korean War on the Future of Japan” sheds light on how the Korean War and international developments have transformed Japan from a fighting enemy to a cooperating partner in the eyes of USA in a retrospective perspective. The article on “Legal Measures for Global Maritime Security: Conventions, Decisions, Protocols, Codes and Applications of International Maritime Organization” by Kenan Şahin clarifies in the title mentioned concepts within the context of international maritime law. Ekber Kandemir and Can Ozan Tuncer focus in their joint-article on the activities of Kızılay, AFAD, IHH, Deniz Feneri and Beşir Derneği in Africa and Asia regarding humanitarian diplomacy within the Turkish foreign policy. Büşra Yengeç Ersin and Betül Tansel Akpınar explore India and Pakistan’s energy policies considering their economic ties with the Central Asian Countries due to the theory of complex interdependenz by J. Nye and R. O. Keohane.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Prof. Dr. Fahri Türk

January 2021 Vol:12 No:1

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the twenty second issue (January 2021) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. It starts with Emirhan Kaya’s article on “The Syrian Crisis: A Protrachted Social Conflict” in which the author analyzes the Syrian civil war with the theory of protrachted social conflict that presents a multi-dimensional approach to understand it. Muhammed Hakan Özaydın and Esra Pakin Albayrakoğlu offer in their joint-article on “Türkiye’de Değişen Güvenlik Algıları ve Dönüşen Savunma Sanayi” a chronological and comparative analysis as how to internal/external threat perceptions had an impact on the Turkish defense industry’s institutional framework and manufacturing processes as well. Segâh Tekin and Merve Kanmaz’s joint-article entitled as “İspanyol-Amerikan Savaşı (1898) ve Karayipler”deals with the Spanish-American War of 1898 and its impacts on the fighting parties such as Spain, United States, Porto Rico and Cuba as well. While Çağla Gül Yesevi focuses on academic studies and researches of international relations discipline which dealt with social constructivism in the world and in Turkey as well, Buket Ökten Sipahioğlu analyses recent discussions on democratic deficit in the European Union.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Fahri TÜRK

June 2020 Vol:11 No:2

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the twenty first issue (June 2020) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. It starts with Serap Yolcu Yavuz’s article on “Romani People as an Ethnic Minority in the Republic of North Macedonia” in which the author analyzes the situation of the Roma since 1991 in political, economic and educational sphere of this country within the constitutional framework. Gülnaz Gezer’s article on “The Effect of Domestic Policy to Economic Policy in the Period of 1945 and 1950 in Turkey” investigates how the Turkish economy was liberalized according to the Zeitgeist and it became dependent from the foreign countries in the aftermath of the World War Second. Yasemin Konukcu’s article entitled as “Cultural Ideology and Foreign Policy of the American Neoconservatives ” deals with the cultural, historical and foreign policy trends of the neoconservative thinking in a retrospective perspective. While İlker Limon explores the reception of Süleyman Demirel’s 1967 Soviet Union visit in the Turkish press, Nikolina Kunic analyses Russia’s Central Asia policy as a case of Kazakhstan.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Fahri TÜRK

January 2020 Vol:11 No:1

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the 20th issue (January 2020) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. With this issue we celebrate our 10th anniversary that is an important turning point in the world of academic journalism. Erol Esen and Fahriye Didem Acar analyse in their joint article the relationship between populism and identity from national identity to right populist european identity”. Kaan Gaytancıoğlu’s article on “Bülent Ecevit’s Central Asia and Azerbaijan Policy: “Neither Turanism Nor Chauvinism, Only Aim is Cooperation” sheds light on Ecevit’s Central Asia policy with the aid of primary sources. Fahri Türk and Emirhan Kaya’s joint article on “German Immigrants in Anatolia within the Context of Turkish-German Relations: The Case of Amasya” clarifies the issue of German immigrants in the 19th century in the case of Germans of Amasya within the context of the Turkish- German relations. While Taner Karakuzu’s article provides a detailed and critical analysis about Turkish-Kyrgyzstani Relations in the perspective of soft power regarding Turkish language, Fatih Özgüven explores Iran’s soft power policy towards Central Asia within the context of Tajikistan. Moreover, in this issue you can read an interview on the contemporary Turkish-German relations by Prof. Dr. İbrahim S. Canbolat from Department of Political Science from the Uludağ University in Bursa/Turkey.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Fahri TÜRK

June 2019 Vol:10 No:2

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the nineteenth issue (June 2019) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. It starts with Cüneyd Yıldırım’s article on “Die spätosmanische Melâmiyye als Förderin einer westlichliberalen Gesinnung: Untersuchung eines Narrativs” in which the author elaborates the support of Malamis to the Committee of Union and Progress as well as the liberal world view. Taking the existing writings into consideration, he also analyzes to what extent thinking of this religious group is related to that of the nonconformist ideology. Fahri Turk’s article on “Turkish Non Governmental Organisations in Macedonia: An Analysis in the Context of Teaching Turkish Language and their Problems” investigates the contribution of Turkish NGOs in Macedonia to teach Turkish language and gives some recommendations to the solution of the problems of these NGOs. Tülay Yıldırım Mat and Mehmet Bardakçı’s co-written article entitled as “The Education Rights of Children and its Effectiveness in the European Unions Asylum Law ” deals with policies and applications followed by the EU member counties regarding the education rights of asylum seeker children in the EU. While Güngör Şahin explores foreign policy and security strategy of the United States of America within the framework of theories of International Relations from a historical point of view, Taner Karakuzu and İlker Limon address the political instability in Tunisia in the context of Arab Spring.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Fahri TÜRK

January 2019 Vol:10 No:1

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the eighteenth issue (January 2019) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. Burak Gümüş analyses in his article on “Steinmeiers Symbolpolitik im Integrationsbereich” the Federal German President Steinmaier’s symbol politics in the field of integration by giving examples from practice. Muhammed Musa Budak’s article on “The leadership Experience of Turkey within the Context of the International Institutions: Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization” sheds light on BSEC and Turkey’s performance as a leading founder of this organization, that served as a means of Turkish foreign policy in order to counter the new challenges in the world politics. The article on “The Transformation of the United States Military Power Practice” by Özdemir Akbal clarifies the transformation ofthe USA’s military power practice beginning especially in the aftermath of the Vietnam War.

While Sinem Yüksel Çendek and Armağan Örki’s article provides a detailed and critical analysis about the causes of the civil wars in Libya, Syria and Yemen in the wake of Arab Spring in a comparative perspective, Ahmet Bülbül explore the West Germany’s Israel policy during the “Six-Day Wars” in 1967 regarding the historical moral responsibility of Germans within the context of the German-Israeli relations.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Fahri TÜRK

June 2018 Vol:9 No:2

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the seventeenth issue (June 2018) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. Based on his fieldwork, Fahri Türk’s article on “Unabated Struggle between the Sun of Vergina, Doubleheaded Eagle and Turkish Crescent: Torbeshes of Macedonia” analyses the Macedonian Torbeshes. Within this context he focuses particularly on the struggle of Macedonian Torbeshes for the introduction of the Turkish language in Kicevo’s schools as par example and their participation in the political life of the country. Yasemin Konukçu’s article “Geopolitical Power Struggle and the Importance of Persian Gulf” sheds light on recent discussions by elaborating the importance of the Persian Gulf for littoral states through lenses of geopolitics. The article on “Communist Ideology, Perception of Revolution and Terrorism” by Selim Kanat clarifies the triadic relationship between concepts of ideology, revolution and terrorism and elaborates it over the communist ideology and the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. While Haris Ubeyde Dündar’s article provides a detailed and critical point of view about the Bush Doctrine within the framework of new hegemony perception, Muhammed Hadin Öner’s study analyses the concept of social security over the “tekâfül insurance system” in the Islamic economy.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Fahri TÜRK

January 2018 Vol:9 No:1

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the sixteenth issue (January 2018) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. It starts with Oğuzhan Ekinci’s article on “Erfolgsressourcen einer Volkspartei. Ein historischer Vergleich der deutschen CDU mit der türkischen AKP aus der Perspektive der Parteienforschung” in which he uses a comparative methodology in order to analyze main dynamics of electoral success for both Christian Democrat Union (CDU) and Justice and Development Party (AKP). In his article on “West Orientation of the Turkish Foreign Policy: NATO Membership”, a comprehensive article derived from his PhD dissertation, Uğur Matiç argues that Turkey followed a policy of balance until becoming a member in the NATO. Nevertheless, he asserts that this understanding of balance disappeared after Turkey became NATO member. Güngör Şahin and Yücel Özel discuss in their joint contribution to the topic on “From Conflict to Cooperation: Turkey, Russia and Iran” the factors that shape triadic relations between the three significant countries of Eurasia, i.e. Turkey, Russia and Iran and the possible implications of these cooperation for new collaborations. While Füsun Özerdem’s article not only stresses the procedure for the development of ombudsman’s institution as well as the duties of ombudsmen at higher education institutions at the global level but she also proposes some advices on the introduction of the ombudsmanship at the Turkish universities, Ismail Ermağan focuses on issue areas and crisis management in China-EU relations.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Fahri TÜRK

June 2017 Vol:8 No:2

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the fourteenth issue (June 2017) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. It starts with Christoph Giesel’s article on “Aktuelle Verbreitung sowie rechtliche und politisch-soziale Situationen, Bedingungen und Probleme der Aleviten, Bektaschi und anderer heterodox beeinflusster Sufi-Orden in Südosteuropa”. Giesel, on the one hand, focuses in detail on legal, political and social problems of Alevi-Besktashi communities living in the Balkans, while on the other hand he underlines the assimilation danger that these groups have been facing since the early 1990s. In his article on ”Kurdisch-Islamische Synthese am Beispiel der Tageszeitung „Doğru Haber” Burak Gümüş sheds light on recent systematical and gradual attempts of rapprochement policies towards Kurds in Turkey in order to win their support through formation of a Kurdish-Islamic synthesis. Fahri Turk explores in his article on “External Powers in Tajikistan: Russia, China, United States of America, European Union, Iran and Turkey” the policies of regional and global major powers acting in Tajikistan in a comparative perspective. While Segâh Tekin’s article on “Brazil as a Rising Power and Global Politics” exposes Brazil as a rising power and emphasizes its growing significance in international politics, Emre Baysoy’s article dwells on the concept of economic development and its transformation from the 19th century until today.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Fahri TÜRK

January 2017 Vol:8 No:1

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the fourteenth issue (January 2017) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. It starts with “10th Majlis Elections in Iran: Structural, Institutional, Legal, and Political Issues”, coauthored by Abdol Moghset Bani Kamal and Bakhrullo Ashurov in which they analyze the tenth parliamentary elections held in Iran on 26 February 2016. Fahri Türk, Taner Karakuzu and İlker Limon’s article on “Adrianopel’s Baha’i Community from Past to Present” sheds light on the development of Baha community in Edirne which is based on archival data and fieldwork. İsmail Köse questions in his article on “Britain’s Plot for Arab Revolt (1914-1918): The Revolt’s Reflections on Republic Era Government Programs” the extent of impact of revolts in the Arab world on the formation of Turkish foreign policy regarding the programs of Turkish governments from 1923 till present day. While Serdar Yılmaz’s article on “An Economic Development Model in Asia: Eurasian Economic Union” stresses the model of economic integration that is considered to become as a forth economic power bloc in a globalizing world, the joint article of Hakan Yaş ve Sedef Zeyrekli Yaş examines the central district of Edirne as a case study within the context of focusing on the primary determinants of the political participation at the local level based on quantitative data and statistical methods.

Also, this issue includes an interview on “Current Problems in Turkish Foreign Policy” with Prof. İlhan Uzgel, the Head of Department of International Relations, Faculty of Political Sciences at Ankara University that is conducted by publication coordinators of our journal.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Fahri TÜRK

June 2016 Vol:7 No:2

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the thirteenth issue (June 2016) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. It starts with Christoph Giesel’s article on “The Erosion of the Ethno-political Homogenisation Dogma and Public Development Possibilities for Ethnic Groups as Part of Political and Social Liberalisation Processes in Turkey in the 20th Century (Part 2: 1980-1999)” in which the author explores the erosion of homogenization politics towards ethnic groups in Turkey during the years of 1980 and 1999. While doing so, the author provides several examples about linguistic and cultural activities of various ethnic groups across Turkey. Mehmet Mükerrem Arı and İmge İzler in their joint article try to highlight the Syrian refugee crisis within the framework of child refugees and their problems. Hakan Şahin’s article on “From Out-of-Politics to Juntas: Some Remarks on Different Categories in Military’s Attitude towards Politics in Turkey deals with memories of different army officers through which the analyses the intervention of the Turkish army in politics from the past till present day. While Emre Baysoy’s article derived from his doctoral dissertation, on “Geopolitical Shift: From Shatter Belts to Gateway Regions” puts robustly forward the necessity to define the concept of geopolitics differently in the globalizing world, Erkan Dağlı dwells on the centre-left concept in the Turkish political life and he emphasizes how it emerged and to what extent it was useful for the Republican People’s Party (CHP) during elections.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Fahri TÜRK

January 2016 Vol:7 No:1

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the twelfth issue (January 2016) of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. It starts with İsmail Köse’s article on “Avrupa Birliği’nin Mülteci Açmazı ve Türkiye-AB Geri Kabul Anlaşması (European Union’s Immigrant Dilemma and Turkey-EU Readmission Agreement)” in which he explores the recent readmission agreement that will come into force in 2017. He elaborates how this agreement is going to influence Turkey in a negative manner similar to that of Turkey’s Customs Union Agreement with the EU. In her article “Understanding the Downfall of “Arabia Felix”: Tribes and Economic Turmoil in Yemen”, Esra Pakin Albayrakoğlu focuses on conflicts in Yemen and underlines the constellation of various actors that play a significant role within this belligerent context. The article coauthored by Özlem Becerikli Yoldaş and Yunus Yoldaş, “Entstehung der Zensur und ihre Praxis in der Türkei “(The Emergence of Censorship and its Practice in Turkey) high lights the history of censorship in Turkey through a retrospective perspective. While Meral Avcı’s article on “The Importance of Chrome in the Historical Context of the TurkishGerman Relations between 1933 and 1945” explores Germany’s chrome import from Turkey and South Africa with a comparative approach, Buket Ökten’s research elaborates development of the EU citizenship and analyzes the contribution of the decisions by the Court of Justice of the European Union to evolve common citizenship by using different cases with in the regions of the EU.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Fahri TÜRK

June 2015 Vol:6 No:2

Dear Readers,

We are glad to announce that the eleventh issue (June 2015) of Electronic Journal ofPolitical Science Studies has just been published and it is available online. It starts with Christoph Giesel‟s article about„ Politisch gesellschaftliche Liberalisierungsansätze, die Erosion des ethnopolitischen Homogenisierungsdogmas und offene Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten ethnischer Gruppen in der kemalistisch geprägten Türkei im 20. Jahrhundert Teil I“ in which he focuses analytically on the development of phases of ethnic groups during the Republican era in Turkey based on fieldwork notes. Giesel‟s article is composed of two parts. While the first part of his research work that covers the period until 1980 is included in this issue, the second one will appear in the thirteenth issue (June 2016) of our journal.

In her article, entitled as “Victims of the War: Turkey‟s Syrian “Guests”, Begüm KurtuluĢ elaborates Syrian refugees in Turkey. She highlights those uncertainties of their stay in Turkey and underlines that growing numbers of Syrian refugees may cause many societal problems in Turkey. In the light of primary sources, Szilágyi Szilard dwells on the usage of Turkish and the Turkish as an instruction language in Romania by using a retrospective method. Taking Western Thrace (Greece) as a case study, Ali Hüseyinoğlu focuses on the usage of Turkish in the Greek public sector and elaborates main problems regarding Turkish as an instruction language. In his article, Fahri Türk analyses the role of non-state actors in the development of tourism across the Turkish world. While doing so, he takes tourism agencies as an example and provides several recommendations on how tourism should be developed between Turkey and the Turkic world.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Fahri TÜRK

January 2015 Vol:6 No:1

Dear Readers,

The new issue of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies[JPSS (January 2015)]hasjust been published and it is available online. Our journal that has proven its academic quality by getting indexed in a number of international scientific databases since its foundation in 2010, has been fulfilled also an important criteria for scientific journals “being published since five years” and by doing so JPSS is strengthening its position in the international scientific community.

This issue is composed of five articles. Patrycja LIPOLD’s article with the title „Anthropologie der Revolution in der BRD und der VolksrepublikPolen 1970-1979 in vergleichender und beziehungsgeschichtlicherPerspektive“ is a study in which she explorescomparatively the anthropology of revolutions between 1970 and 1979 regarding the Red Army Faction (RAF) in Germany and Workers' Defense Committee (KOR) in Poland. While G. Pınar ERKEM elaborates the practices of the West for the fighting against terrorism within the concepts of “war” and “warfare”, Nergiz ÖZKURAL KÖROĞLU focuses on internal and external reasons of civil uprisings in Ukraine with regard of Orange and Square Revolutionsin a comparative study. In their co-authored article, N. Aslıġirin ÖNER veAmra DEDEĠC explore the situation of the Turkish language in Bosnia and Herzegovina in a retrospective perspective and analyze various activities that promotes the spreading of Turkish language in recent years. In her article entitled as “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Din, Kültür ve Medeniyetin Rolü Üzerine [The role of Religion, Culture and Civilization in International Relations]”Segâh TEKİN dwells on the necessity to include the concepts of religion, culture and civilization in analyses made within the discipline of International Relations.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Fahri TÜRK

June 2014 Vol:5 No:2

Dear Readers,

We feel glad to announce that the ninth issue of the Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies (June 2014) has just been released online. Our journal that has proven its academic quality by getting indexed in a number of international scientific databases since 2010, which has recently included in the database of the “Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)”.

This issue is composed of five articles. It starts with Christopf GIESEL’s “Status and Situation of the Jews in Turkey: Historical Lines of Development and contemporary Circumstances in the Context of socio-political Transformations” in which a detailed analysis is driven from his fieldwork regarding the changing political, economic and ethnic patterns of the Jewish community in Turkey. Christian Johannes HENRICH and Alica HENRIC’s article analyzes according to Wolfgang Merkel’s classification of “ defect democracies” the violation of freedom of press and thought in the AKP era by taking the example of theGeziPark Protest. Latif PINAR emphasizes in his article “Dissentive 1st March Voting within the Frame of Realism Regarding to Interest and Security Issues”while Bilgen SANAYIR focuses on China’s Central Asia policy from an economic viewpoint with a special stress on energy issues. The final article that belongs to Emirhan KAYA, “Understanding the Political Economy of the Arab Spring”, whichelaborates economic reasons of the Arab Spring in the MENA region.

We would feel very happy if this short introduction motivates you reading articles in this issue.


Fahri TÜRK

January 2014 Vol:5 No:1

Dear Readers,

The January 2014 issue of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies (EJPSS) is now available. Since its foundation in 2010 the EJPSS has been indexed in many data bases, which has recently listed in the “Online-Computer-Library-Center (OCLC) WorldCat as well.

Burcu SUNAR explores in her article the significance of telegraph lines for the grand strategy of the British Empire between 1837 and 1914. Tural BAHADIR examines the foreign policy of the United States of America towards Central Asia stressing the importance of the “New Great Game within the context of great power struggle. Oğuzhan EKİNCİ focuses in his article on the terminus “state” in terms of the system theory by Niklas Luhmanns. Lejla Mušiċ, Alma Jeftiċ and Selvira Draganoviċ deal with psycho-social aspects of trauma and its transmission in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina regarding Edkin’s trauma definition. Marilda JANCE explores social and environmental policy in a theoretical perspective and stress that environmental problems should be considered coherently, rather than each issue should be tackled separately.

After this short introduction we would be very happy if we could motivate you for reading these articles in our eighth issue.


Fahri TÜRK

June 2013 Vol:4 No:2

Dear Readers,

The June 2013 issue of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies (EJPSS) is now available. We thank all scientists for their valuable contributions to the publication of seventh issue of our journal.

Sedef ZEYREKLİ YAŞ explores in her detailed article entitled “Süleyman Demirel’s Role in Turkey’s Central Asia Policy” Süleyman Demirel’s role in Turkey’s Central Asia policy using discourse/content analysis as a method. Kader ÖZLEM examines Uzbekistan’s domestic politics and foreign policy under the Karimov administration between 1991 and 2012 stressing the authoritarian characters of Karimov’s regime. He further points out that Karimov influences the politics of his country as an absolute decision maker. Necati İYİKAN focuses in his article on the droughts of the Aral Sea which was caused by the hydro-electrical power plants built on the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers and he proposes how to tackle this problem. Burak GÜMÜŞ deals with Justice and Development Party’s (JDP) Middle East policy within the theoretical framework of the theory of hegemonic stability. He indicates clearly that the aims of the JDP’s foreign policy in Middle East can be accorded with vital interest of the USA. Erol ESEN and Ali ERDEM explore in their joint-article the importance of the public-private partnership a la Turkey and they stress that such partnerships should not be limited to projects.

After this short introduction we would be very happy if we could motivate you for reading these articles in our seventh issue.


Fahri TÜRK

January 2013 Vol:4 No:1

Dear Readers,

The January 2013 issue of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies (EJPSS) is now available. We thank all scientists for their valuable contributions to the publication of sixth issue of our journal.

Güngör ŞAHİN stresses in his article entitled “Turkmenistan in the era of Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov: A domestic and foreign policy analysis” that the priorities of the Turkmen domestic and foreign policy has changed in some extend since 2006. However he underlines further that Berdimuhammedov tries to create his own personal cult like Turkmenbashi before him. Fahri TÜRK analyzes the activities of foreign and Turkish investors in the region of South-eastern Anatolian Project (GAP) as well as that of Israeli firms. TüRK focuses in his article especially on the strategic role of GAP within the international politics. İsmail ERMAĞAN explores in his article on “the identity problems of third Turkish generation in Germany” the sources of the identity problems of the third Turkish generation in Germany and he proposes some ideas how to solve existing problems. Kaan GAYTANCIOĞLU explains in his article the forth coalition government in the Turkish political life between February 20th and 20th November 1965 on a solid theoretical ground that contributes to the political science field. Güler YARCI deals with the Macedonian problem between 1876 and 1913 in the late Ottoman era considering diplomatic relations using Ottoman archives.

Fahri TÜRK interviewed Prof. Dr. İbrahim S. Canbolat from Uludağ University on the TurkishGerman universities for the sixth issue of our journal. After this short introduction we would be very happy if we could motivate you for reading these articles in our sixth issue.


Fahri TÜRK

June 2012 Vol:3 No:2

Dear Readers,

The June 2012 issue of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies (EJPSS) is now available.

Martin Malek stresses in his article titled “Challenges of European Union’s EnergyPolicy in the Central Asia and Caspian Region“ that the EU is depended on the energy resources from the Central Asia and Caspian Region. He underlines further that if EU countries could not construct any alternative pipe line routes to the existing ones, they will be dependent on Russian supplies. İsmail Ermağan analyses the foreign policy of the US after the Cold War especially under the Obama administration regarding its relations to Justice and Development Party. Ermağan focuses in his article that America and Turkey were agreed on the implementation of the Great Middle Eastern Project. Besides, he points out that both countries want to prevent an emerging axis of China-Russia-India by bringing the Islamic countries together as a comprehensive block against them. Caner Tekin explains in his article on “The Temporal Nature of National Thinking- The Turkish Cypriot Case” the temporal nature of national thinking and related conceptualizations of “self” and “other” as well. He explores further the temporality of national thinking as a case study on Turkish Cypriots within a solid theoretic framework. Ahmet Emre Ateş examines the impact of the financial decision of the International Law Court on the Congo crisis in an extraordinary way in his article and he points out that the international organisations had a huge impact on the relative instability of the African countries in the post- Cold War era. Murat Yorulmaz shows in his contribution how the concept of identity is instable in the globalised age. In his opinion Islam has/had a big impact on identity seeking in Turkey.

We are happy about that our journal gradually become a high qualified academic journal. After its fourth issue the EJPSS has been indexed in two databases such as “Index Copernicus International” and “ASOS Index” which are considered as respectful in the academic circles. This shows that we increased our scientific quality as the time went on. In addition to this we extended our international scientific board with some scholars (Prof. Dr. Zehra Önder, Prof. Dr. Erol Kurubaş, Prof. Dr. Gencer Özcan, Prof. Dr. Nasuh Uslu, Prof. Dr. Nurdan Aslan, Doç. Dr. Ahmet Karadağ, Doç. Dr. Elif Hatun Kılıçbeyli, Doç. Dr. Savaş Genç, Doç. Dr. Gülden Ayman, Doç. Dr. Şule Toktaş, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Gülşen Aydın ve Yrd. Doç. Dr. Esra Pakin Albayrakoğlu) from different Turkish universities, for whom we show our genuine respect due to accepting to sit in the scientific board of the EJPSS.

After this short introduction I would be very happy if I could motivate you for reading these articles in our fifth issue.


Fahri TÜRK

January 2012 Vol:3 No:1

Dear Readers,

The January 2012 issue of Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies (EJPSS) is now available. We thank all scientists for their valuable contributions to the publication of fourth issue of our journal.

László Marácz stresses in his article entitled „ Euro-Atlasian Security: Globalization, Networking and Hybrid Geopolitics” that the classic geopolitical theories could not exactly explain the international politics any more. He underlines that the network theories are more suitable for the understanding of international relations in the age of globalization. Within this context Marácz indicates that the free scale network theory by Barábasi contributes to the understanding of interstate relations concerning the case study of Kazakhstan. Füsun Özerdem analyzes the European Union Eastern Partnership Programme and the perceptions of programme states. Özerdem focuses in her article especially on the questions such as “what are the Eastern Partnership’s goal and limits?” and “Are the European Partnership Programme and other EU programmes dedicated for the transformation process in Eastern Europe adequately?” Hakan Evin explores in his article on “an old game that is considered as new one: Globalization” the phenomena of globalization regarding the attitudes of Hyper-globalists, Sceptics and Transformationists. Parwana Paikan explains in her article the political consequences of the Afghan electoral system. She further examines the hypothesis that a candidate from a large ethnic group is more likely to support the current electoral system than a candidate from a small ethnic group. Taner Karakuzu and İlker Limon show in their joint article, how to handled Turkic Republics of Central Asia in the History Textbooks of Secondary Schools.

In this issue we added a new rubric “ interview” to the EJPSS, which will be published in every January issue of our journal on important events in the world politics. We aim that each interview will be realised with a prominent political scientists. Aslıhan Güngörmez, our colleague from editorial board, interviewed Prof. Dr. Tayyar Arı from Uludağ University on the Arab Spring and its consequences for the Turkey.

After this short introduction I would be very happy if I could motivate you for reading these articles in our fourth issue.


Fahri TÜRK

June 2011 Vol:2 No:2

Dear Readers,

The June 2011 issue of ESBA, our Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies is now available. We thank all scientists for their valuable contributions to the publication of third issue of our journal. Werner Gumpel analyses in his article with the title “Türkei und Europäische Union – erneut betrachtet“negative factors for the EU-membership of Turkey. He explains especially the arguments of the groups within Turkey and the EU that opposes the membership of Turkey into EU. Gumpel underlines further that the unfriendly and aggressive speeches of Prime Minister Erdogan held in the European Capitals influence the membership process of Turkey into EU in an absolutely negative manner. Starting with an explanation of term“BRIC states” Petar Kurečić and Goran Bandov explore these states on the behalf of SWOT-analysis and predict they would play an important role in the World politics in the upcoming decades. Concerning the recent development in the Middle East Tarik Oguzlu stresses in his article on “Turning ‘Risk’ into ‘Opportunity’: Turkey’s approach towards Syria, A Western/European actor in the Middle East” that Turkey’s Syria-policy is in line with that of European Union. Beytullah Demirtaş explains in his article firstly the importance of fairs in the Ottoman Empire in a general perspective. Secondly he shows the importance and development of the “Balçık Fair” based on Ottoman archives, which was organised in the district of Saray. Fahri Türk shows in his article based on the Ottoman archives, how corruption became system conform through the practice of “sell of officialdom” (memuriyet satışı) in the Ottoman Empire.

After this short introduction I would be very happy if I could motivate you for reading these articles in our third issue.


Fahri TÜRK

January 2011 Vol:2 No:1

Dear Readers,

the January 2011 issue of ESBA, our Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies is now available. We thank all young scientists for their valuable contributions to the publication of our Journal. Cemile Arıkoğlu Ündücü analyzes in her article the unexpected changes and transformations in the world political system effected on how to redefine and understand the terminology terrorism. Arıkoğlu shows us further the redefinition of the different concepts of terrorism and how to explore the mutual effects of this phenomenon regarding the events in international politics. Güler Yarcı explores in her contribution to our journal the demographic situation and the historical development of the town Saray considering the Turkish administrative practices, which is mainly based on Ottoman archives. Taner Karakuzu examines in his article the Turkey’s efforts for erecting nuclear energy power stations, in which especially dealt with the policies of Justice and Development Party (JDP) in this respect. At the end he tries to show how far nuclear energy and weapon issues have an impact on the foreign policy of Turkey and how Ankara gets rid of its energy dependence from the outside world.

George Sanikidze discusses in his article the problem of historical perception and historical memory of Turkey and Iran towards the South Caucasus; the new possibilities for activities of Iran and Turkey in the region after the collapse of the Soviet Union; interactions of Turkey and Iran with South Caucasian countries but also new realities within the relations of Russia-Turkey, Turkey-Iran, IranRussia after the 2008 August war in Georgia. Burak Gümüş analyzes the positive image of Turkish Religious Affairs (DITIB) among the in Germany living Turks, that plays an important role in the Turkish-German relations as well. Although mainstream Turks in Germany think that DITIB is an important institution for them, German Government considers it as an agent of Turkish state in Germany.

After this short introduction I would be very happy if I could motivate you for reading these articles in our second issue.


Fahri TÜRK

June 2010 Vol:1 No:1

Dear Readers,

the June issue of ESBA, our Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies is now available. The publication of the first volume of our journal, which was announced before, is a source for our pride and happiness. We thank all young scientists for their valuable contributions to the publication of our Journal.

Fatih Yalçınkaya analyzes in his article the interaction of supranational institutions between Central Asian countries and Turkey with regard to the recent ethnic tensions in Kyrgyzstan and shows us that these organizations should be capable of playing an important role in the solution of intergovernmental problems of Central Asia. Starting with a geopolitical approach Uğur Aktürk demonstrates in his contribution the regional power struggle between the United States, Russia, China, the EU and Turkey for Central Asia and the Caucasus. Muhammed Hüseyin Mercan explains in his article the relationship between the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Israel. Beside that Mercan’s article focuses on the conditions of the interaction between the Hamas and PLO / Fatah that shows the background of the recent Ship Crisis between Israel and Turkey. Katarzyna Jarecka-Stępień analyzes the history of the institutions of the Tatar-Muslim minority in Poland and deals with the rights of Muslims of Poland in detail. Fahri Türk highlights the influential role of Prince Colmar von der Goltz in arms trade between Turkey and German firms, who also served as a teacher in the Ottoman War Academy in Istanbul.

After this short introduction I would be very happy if I could motivate you for reading these articles in our first issue.


Fahri TÜRK


Prof. Dr. Fahri Türk, Trakya University

Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı, Middle East Technical University
Prof. Dr. Nazif Shahrani, Indiana University
Prof. Dr. Tarık Oğuzlu, Antalya Bilim University
Prof. Dr. Erol Esen, Mediterranean University
Prof. Dr. Henry E. Hale, George Washington University
Prof. Dr. Burak Gümüş, Trakya University
Prof. Dr. Olaf Leiße, Friedrich Schiller University
Prof. Dr. Tomohiko Uyama, Hokkaido University
Prof. Dr. George Sanikidze, Ilia State University
Prof. Mujib Alam, Jamia Millia Islamia University
Assoc. Prof. Deniz Akagül, Lille University

English Language Editor

Assoc. Prof. Esra Pakin Albayrakoğlu, Bahçeşehir University

German Language Editor

Prof. Dr. Burak Gümüş, Trakya University

Publication Coordinator

Lecturer Taner Karakuzu, Trakya University
Lecturer İlker Limon, Trakya University

Journal Owner

Prof. Dr. Fahri Türk

Internet Adviser

Netsasoft – Deniz Mertkan Gezgin


T: +90 284 235 71 51-13 05

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