Author Guidelines

The manuscripts must be prepared in the way stated below:

1) Title must represent the content very well and must be written bold and in the left. The article must be separated subtitles in itself. The word “introduction” should not be used as a title and the subtitles should not be numbered.

2) The name of the writer must be written in small and the surname in capital letters and bold. After putting the star sign above it should be written institution and the e-mail address of the contributor.

3) At the beginning of the article there should be an abstract (maximum of 150 words) in Turkish, German or English depending on the written language. Just below the abstract 3 to 5 key words should be mentioned.

4) The text must be written on A4 paper size (29.7 x 21 cm), in Word, Times New Roman font, 12-font size, and 1.5 line spacing. Paper format (top 3.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 3.0 cm) and the page numbers must be given at the top and outside. Footnotes must be written in 10-font size in a single space. Articles should contain max. 13.000 words, including abstract and footnotes. Words should not be stressed within the text with bold and italic letters.

5) Each table or graphic should be numbered as it is seen below and an appropriate title must be given. The number of table or graphic must be written left justified; the source of the table or the graphic should be placed just below the table.

Table 1: The Ethnic Diversity of the Population of Edirne





































Data Source: Balta, Evangelista, “Edirne Rum Cemaati (19. yy. Ortası -1922)”, Işıl, E. Nedret, Koz, M. Sabri (Haz.), Edirne: Serhattaki Payitaht, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul 1998, p. 231.

6) Less than five lines of quotes must be written in the running text. They must be given opening and closing quotation marks, and quotations of more than five lines must be written disjointedly from the running text with a 1.5 cm indent from both left and right sides of the main text, with 11-font size in single space.

7) Classical footnotes system should be used for the references, and these (references) should be placed at the bottom of the page. While showing the references the points written below must be attached maximum importance.

7.1.) Book or article by single author should be written as follows:

Andican, Ahat, Değişim Sürecinde Türk Dünyası, Emre Yayınları, İstanbul 1996, p. 115.

Türk, Fahri, Wirtschaft als Ordnungsfaktor? Die türkischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen mit dem Nordirak, Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, No 4, 2008, p.35.

If the same work is to be cited again, it should be written after the surname of the author as follows:

Andican, ibid., p.13.

If another work of the same author is used, the work’s title used should be written after the author’s surname.

Andican, Cedidizmden Bağımsızlığa Türkistan Mücadelesi, p.27.

If citing from the same page of the same work without intervening with other works, the phrase

"ibid." should be used.

If citing from another page of the same work without intervening with any books or articles, the phrase

“ Andican, ibid., p.236.” should be used.

At the end of every footnote, there should be a full stop.

7.2.) In a book or article by two authors, the conjunction "and" should be placed between the authors’ names. The first author's surname and name followed by the „et al.” phrase must be specified in a book or article by more than two authors.

7.3.) Article in an edited book should be written as follows:

Polat, Abdumannob, “Can Uzbekistan Build Democracy and Civil Society”, Ruffin, Holt; Waugh Daniel (der.) Civil Society in Central Asia, University of Washington Press. Seattle and London 1999, s. 135-157, s.137.

7.4.)Translated Bookr

Heyd, Uriel, Türk Milliyetçiliğinin Kökleri, (çev.) Yalçın, Adem, Pınar yayınları İstanbul 2001, s. 15.

7.5.) Newspaper Article

Batum, Süheyl , Bu yılki 10 Kasım’ın düşündürdükleri, Vatan 12 Kasım 2009, s. 19.

Anonymous newspaper articles:

Dünya turizmi % 7 daraldı sadece Türkiye büyüdü, Vatan 12 Kasım 2009, s. 11.

7.6.) Anonymous Official Publications, Reports, etc.

Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Raporu, Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı , Mart 2000, s. 19.

7.7.) Archive Documents

Erzberger an Enver Pascha, 5 Ekim 1916, Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes Konstantinopel 344, No.262, Cilt 2.

7.8.) Online Sources

Türk, Fahri, Die jungtürkische Revolution von 1908 und die Rolle Deutschlands, Eurasisches Magazin,11Temmuz2007,ürk (12.11.2009)

Anonymous online sources,2144,1983134,00.html, (01.12.2007).

7.9.) Interview

Interview with Süleyman Demirel in Istanbul on 25th November 2008.

7.10.) Master’s Thesis, Ph.D. Thesis and Habilitation Thesis

Türk, Fahri, Die deutsch-türkischen Beziehungen von Bismarcks Sturz bis zur Machtübernahme der Jungtürken unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschen “Weltpolitik” 1890-1908, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Berlin Hür Üniversite 1997, s.25

8) Bibliography should be given at the end of the article in alphabetical order beginning with the first letter of the writer’s surname, as it is shown below:

Writer’s surname, name, title, publishing house, publishing place, and publishing date.

Polat, Abdumannob, “Can Uzbekistan Build Democracy and Civil Society”, Ruffin, Holt; Waugh Daniel (der.) Civil Society in Central Asia, University of Washington Press, Seattle 1999, s.135-157.

Hayıt, Baymirza, Basmatschi. Nationaler Kampf Turkestans in den Jahren 1917 bis 1934, Dreisam Verlag, Köln 1992.


Prof. Dr. Fahri Türk, Trakya University

Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı, Middle East Technical University
Prof. Dr. Nazif Shahrani, Indiana University
Prof. Dr. Tarık Oğuzlu, Antalya Bilim University
Prof. Dr. Erol Esen, Mediterranean University
Prof. Dr. Henry E. Hale, George Washington University
Prof. Dr. Burak Gümüş, Trakya University
Prof. Dr. Olaf Leiße, Friedrich Schiller University
Prof. Dr. Tomohiko Uyama, Hokkaido University
Prof. Dr. George Sanikidze, Ilia State University
Prof. Mujib Alam, Jamia Millia Islamia University
Assoc. Prof. Deniz Akagül, Lille University

English Language Editor

Assoc. Prof. Esra Pakin Albayrakoğlu, Bahçeşehir University

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Prof. Dr. Burak Gümüş, Trakya University

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Lecturer Taner Karakuzu, Trakya University
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